Mark Of The Beast = 666 = Microchip implants - Are the End Times here ???
The Mark of the beast as per Revelation Chapter: 13 in the Holy Bible that helps us identify the era of the emergence of the false prophet and the AntiChrist before Christ's second coming. I believe the End Times are here !
It is said that everyone will be forced to take the mark of the beast (666) either in their right hands or on their foreheads (Click here for more details) and without it you can't buy or sell anything. If you refuse you will plain starve to death and its believed many will yeild to the pressure ! In this new age of technology it won't be a prick/stain tattoo of any sort, may be some kinda human barcode on the skin, but it could very well be The Implantable microchip !!
The Bible warns the ones who budge and receive the mark will NEVER enter the Kingdom of God in Heaven !
Remember The Devil's Prime weapon is his LIES. He is The Undisputed king of all deceivers ! The NWO/illuminati operates under the directives of SATAN himself ! The puppet governments will sweet-talk you into this horror....under the pretext of ultimate security for you and your family, they will make you take the mark -Beware !! The Antichrist who will peform great miracles and pose as The Epitome of Peace will act just the opposite once he's in charge am sure you know what thats supposed to mean !! The Holy Bible warns us of things to come !! This is not to scare you, but just to let you know the Truth itself is horrific !
Well i'll let the short Educational Video do all the talking :)...Sit back and watch and let me know what ya'll think !
Obama Darpa 666 Invisible Wifi Implant Raymond/Leno/Thornton
Darpa Executive Barrack Obama, US Gov. Darpa (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) I'm
I am posting this everywhere until you stop the global electronic microwave 666 surveillance torture implants.
Barrack Obama, Howard Raymond, David Thornton 72310 Blueridge Ct., Palm Desert, CA., 92260
Darpa Do you want a invisible microwave retina eye surveillance implant from the internet in you and your family?
Do you want your childrens sex sold to from their monitor and wifi tortured for years by the US Darpa Government?
Raymond and Thornton did this to me a platinum member and my family. They are Darpa Wifi Expert Implanters and say their and Obama's families aren't implanted and you Obama Darpa won't take ours out!
US Gov. Darpa (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) microwave Adv. Alien Tech., (Invisible like a computer program download) retina eye implant and Gov. Computer Howard Raymond wifi's your house then can view and sell members at his thousands of Gov. porn and Gov. sites.
This Invisible nano program eye implant they have installed from the Internet his home then from your computer monitor into the retina of your eye, doing millions of other porn viewers from thousands of his porn sites and Gov. sites.
Darpa invented the internet using Advanced Alien Invisible Tech.
US Gov. Darpa Surveillance Invisible Retina-Eye Implant ! Raymond said is not a 666 implant it's a surveillance invisible retina eye implant from your monitor from his sight for he said Darpa Exe. Obama to use for communication in an upcoming Alien Invasion Microwave Wars.
He stated Obama was afraid of the aliens and civilians?
Howard said neither he nor Darpa Exe. Gov. would remove this invisible microwave surveillance program implant out of me. Program can be installed from your computer, cell phone, radio or TV.
Raymond said he uses an underground Darpa franchised Jay Leno Comedy Wifi Club said he and D. Thornton and J. Leno all gay with stage wives implanting the world for whom he said was The Black Angel - The AntiChrist - The Beast.
Howard W. Raymond one of many Gov. Certified Darpa Agency Wifi Experts.
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