Monday, July 03, 2006

Mysterious Skin Disease Spreadin Across America ??


I have been reading about The Bizarre Morgellons Disease (Ectoparasitic) for almost a week now. I just had to write about it today . This is not to scare anyone, but to make everyone AWARE of such a thing thats goin around lately ! Most of you might have heard about this before, but I am sure there are some that hardly watch CNN ! Am unsure if any news channel has broadcast anything significant about this bug.

Check out this Page ....Rather controversial article with the conspiracy therorists having a field day with this bug !!

Distraught patients complain of severe itchiness of the skin and a feeling of ants crawlin all over and fibrous plaques extruding from the lesions Whoa !

It is said that reports have been pouring in from clustered areas in CA, FL, TX...and that physicians are seemingly ignoring it and refusing to treat and accept it as a medical condition at the present time and have termed it "Delusional Parasitosis". The patients are taking up combat in their own hands as far as picking samples of the ecto-parasite and having it sent to the research labs themselves...Being in the HealthCare field myself...I am fraught with anxiety over this issue !! Whats this world coming to Lord !!!

Check out this rather disturbing Article Here

For more on this bizarre bug click HERE !!

To read Lab results on the fiber samples from the lesions click Here

Be Safe Ya'll My budds in America !! Awareness is the Key ! Don't be Afraid ! They will Stop it am sure !

Read The following Important Verses From The Bible !

Psalm 91

1 He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

2 I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.

3 Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence.

4 He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.

5 Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day;

6 Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.

7 A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.

8 Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked.

9 Because thou hast made the LORD, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation;

10 There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.

11 For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.

12 They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone.

13 Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder: the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet.

14 Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name.

15 He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him.

16 With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation. !


Sunday, July 02, 2006

Rejoice In The Lord Always !

Song: Magizhvom Magizhvom

One of my favorite Gospel songs. Sing praises and thank God Almighty for all the good things he has blessed us with through the years and today. Praise him Praise him ! Rejoice in The Lord Always !

MP3 File


16/06: Suraj El-Din's Testimony

"The testimony of Suraj El-Din, a former Muslim who became a Christian and describes his experiences and reasons for accepting Jesus as his Personal Savior."

Category: Muslim Testimonies
Posted by: oddchild

Islam is the main religion in fact, the state religion in my country. Our law is subject to the demands and teachings of Islam. But I am a traitor to Islam. I was born into a Muslim family and therefore knew nothing about Jesus Christ. I had many nominal Christian friends, and I asked one of them for a Bible. When I read it, I was surprised to find that God loves me and made a way to forgive my sins.

I learned that because Jesus Christ died on the cross, I could be saved and would not have to die for my sins. In studying Islam I had not found the way to know God. In studying the Bible I found that only Jesus could satisfy my hunger for Him. I decided to believe in Jesus Christ and follow Him. When I did that, my life changed in a very good way. I had peace for the first time. I was baptized and became a member of a church. Then I began to speak about my newfound life in Jesus Christ in many churches and among my friends.

One day in December 1981 I talked with some people in a taxi about Jesus Christ. They led me to believe they were open to hear about the Lord. When I left the taxi, they asked for the address of my church and said they would like to attend. I gave them the address, not knowing I had already been reported because of my Christian faith.

That evening they came to the church, bringing the secret police with them. I was arrested without a warrant or any legal grounds.

When I arrived at the jail, one of the guards asked why I was there. When I told him it was because I was a Christian, he called the barber to shave my head. They kept me 5 days in solitary confinement, and I was not allowed to call my family or friends to tell them where I was. The guards beat me and said I could go free if I would renounce my faith in Christ.

When I refused, the officials transferred me to the prison for the most dangerous criminals in the country. I was never given a trial by a court of law.

I was put in a small room in solitary confinement for the next 8 months. Although it is a law that all prisoners should have two blankets, when I asked for covers they said, No. You are a Christian. You will not get any covers. I slept on the rough cement floor, no bed, no blankets and continued through the winter without even the basic necessities other prisoners were given. Despite the extreme cold, I had an open window in my room and no heating. I received one meal a day made of lentils.

The had of the prison told me not to speak with anyone, as he was afraid others would believe in Jesus Christ. When the guard saw me speak with anyone, he would slap me hard and push me. Once when I was speaking with another prisoner who asked for a Bible, the head of the prison beat me with a whip.

Many soldiers came to my door and said, You are a very bad man. You are an infidel. The door to my room was closed all day except for a 5 minute break to go to the rest room. The rest of the time I stayed alone in my room.

Other prisoners were allowed to leave their rooms freely from 9 in the morning to 4 in the afternoon.

For a month and a half my family did not know where I was. When they asked for information, the police said they did not know. I made the acquaintance of a prisoner who was permitted to send letters out of the prison. He sent messages to my family and friends, telling them where I was. They came to the prison but were told I was not there.

My brother, an officer in the army, asked the secret police to tell him where I was so he could visit me and try to get me to renounce my faith in Jesus Christ. After his visit they decided to let three members of my family come, but they forbade visits of any friends, thinking they would be Christians and would try to encourage me.

I was not allowed to have any money, although all the necessities such as hot water in the winter and extra food were acquired with bribes given to the guards.

My friends wanted to give me food, money, and clothes, but the authorities refused. For 2 months I had only the clothes I had been wearing when arrested. Finally, my family was able to give me clothes and some food, and another prisoner who had extra privileges quietly gave me two covers. But still I had no bed.

The secret police warned my family not to help me very much. They wanted to make things hard for me so I would give up my faith in Jesus Christ. Members of my family were afraid they would be killed.

Occasionally the secret police would send a man to ask: Will you renounce your faith in Jesus Christ and be a good Muslim again? They would try to tempt me with the offer of money and a car, my freedom, and a job with the secret police. I said no.

When the authorities realized I would not give up my faith in Jesus Christ, they decided, with no explanation, to let me out of prison on bail.

The secret police told me not to go to any church and said if they saw me in church they would arrest me again and kill me.

Muslim law requires that anyone who converts from Islam to another religion should be killed. If another Muslim were to kill me for any reason, the government would excuse him, and he would not be arrested or even punished. I am considered a traitor to Islam, deserving to be killed.


Suraj El-Din

Source: Courtesy


LORD JESUS Vs Lord Krishna - Facts Vs. Myths !!!

An Eye-Opener !

I was recently engaged in a discussion with a close friend of mine who needed answers on the possible similarities between Lord Jesus Christ and Krishna. Now Trust me when i say almost all of my friends have been Hindus thus far & I have a lot of respect for them ! I thought my blog would be the best place to present it so as to clear the doubts of one and all ! Click HERE to rid your doubts on this subject, a resource i found this past week !

This article is not intended to hurt anybodys religious sentiments but rather a sincere attempt by your's truly at letting the inquistive souls know THE DIVINE TRUTH IS OUT THERE !

The most common complaint against Christianity/Christian Evangelists is "Conversion" and it sadly is viewed as The most heinous crime against humanity as a whole !! Unfortunately This is anything and everything but the truth !


Truth in its original form does not come with a sugar coating !! Man in general resists change. Even changing a small bad habit he knows that would be detrimental if pursued further, yet he rebels when there is pressure to change, cos he is comfortable left alone only to regret later. Very understandably so when it comes to giving up one's faith thats grown integral BUT i would like to point out at this juncture when the feet you stand on develops gangrene one day and becomes life threatening, if you planned on living, would you not opt to have the diseased body part be amputated pronto and be done with ??

I now have to say and i can't stress on it enough that Saving one's soul is Priceless & Utterly important & a responsibilty which one can never afford to shirk ! Life does not end here on planet earth !!! When that realization wakes you from your slumber you will start thinking differently ! I Promise !

Spreading the Precious/Priceless word of God has been rudely termed "conversion" In reality it is about letting a fellow human being that is unaware of the Real GOD that saves know "The True way to Eternal Salvation of the soul", and that the door is open and that he/she has a choice and its still not too late to repent and claim your place in heaven for yourselves and your loved ones. In other words, to show him/her as a true friend who cares not just about what kind of a life he/she leads in the mortal state here on Earth, but as someone who goes a step further and cares about showing the way to reach the departed soul into Heaven to GOD THE FATHER and not to burn in the lake of fire for eternity !

Dear Friends in GOD. The way to Eternal Life after life on earth is through is to Accept Jesus Christ as his/her own personal Savior (Which he really is) and Follow Him, in order to Enter and walk past Heaven's Golden Gates & Stay put indefinitely ! ...There really is no other way ! The moment the individual realizes the Truth The Complaints (conversion/other) Vanish without a trace !!

So am sure the issue will sort itself out as time passes us by ! Its the Lord's own will to have the message and word of God spread through his people and that is the plain truth ! But again Dear Brothers and Sisters The choice is yours ! Nobody is putting a sword on the nape of your necks here !


May The Good Lord Bless and Be with each one of you as you make that All-Important-Choice today while still alive !



Testimony Of Bro. Vijay Anands !


I am from Madras, a fairly large city in southern India. My parents are Hindus by practice and faith. I came to Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio to pursue my M.S. degree the spring of 92.

I was acquainted with Christianity through my fiancée Ammu, a Christian, in India, but as a Hindu, I could accept Christ as one of the many gods. After coming to Cleveland and being away from my family, I missed the ‘religious experience' of going to a temple and worshipping idols. So, that summer, I started attending various churches in the area where I lived in Cleveland.

The Lord brought me to Cedar Hill Baptist church where I noticed a genuine friendship and hospitality and love that I had not felt in any church or religious place that I had attended before in my life. I started attending Cedar Hill regularly, and I was introduced to Dave Ferguson a Campus Bible Fellowship staff worker. We developed a friendship, and I shared with him that I wanted to learn more about Christianity because of my fiancée. He encouraged me to attend CBF meetings on campus every Friday and I slowly learned many concepts from the Bible. My idea until that point was that to become a Christian, one had to read the Bible, write some exam, and once you pass the exam, they give you a certificate and you become a Christian. All of that changed with my Bible studies at CBF and the worship services at church. I gained a lot of knowledge about the Bible, saw genuine love among the students at CBF, and developed great friendships.

One morning in the fall of 1992, I was walking home from classes and listened to a Christian radio program on my Walkman. The message caused me to realize for the first time that I had committed acts of sin every day. I went to my apartment very distressed because of my sinfulness. I called Dave, asked him to pray for me, and we met the next day and discussed the new realization that I was a sinner. Dave showed me from the Bible that "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of the Lord" and "while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." That night I was not ready to accept Jesus as my Savior, and he did not push me. I went home and spent the next week thinking about all that I had learned in the past few months from the Bible. I came to believe that the Bible is truly God's revelation to mankind, and the words of the Bible challenged my intellect and stirred my soul. That weekend by a series of events I came to realize that relationships on earth are only temporal, and the Bible promises an eternal relationship with Jesus Christ. On September 20, 1992, which happened to be a Sunday, I came to realize that I was a sinner whose actions deserve death and that Jesus Christ died on the cross for my sins. I had been reading the Bible almost all night. At noon I walked over to church and met with some friends. It was there that I confessed my sins and asked Jesus to be my Savior.


Testimony Courtesy:

©1999-2006 by Campus Bible Fellowship the college student ministry of Baptist Mid-Missions.


The Choice: To Follow Jesus Christ.
The Price: To Go Alone With the Lord
by Dr. Mahendra P. Singhal

From the Testimony column of the Christian Research Newsletter, Volume 2: Number 1, 1989.

The Editor of the Christian Research Newsletter is Ron Rhodes.

Growing up in an orthodox Hindu home is to enjoy limited freedoms -- spiritually speaking. It was more than true in my case. I was raised in a rigidly structured and despotically ruled Hindu home with well-preserved traditions, well developed customs, and well-formulated expectations, along with, of course, a great deal of love, understanding, and exhortation.

In spite of all the outward appearances of "peace" in our home, I used to sense tension and dissatisfaction with situations as they used to erupt from time to time. Each new episode was a note of despair in the chorus of our miserable lives. Each chord echoed with an air of helplessness which used to permeate every phase of our lives in our simple home. I distinctly remember being told, over and over again, that all our unhappiness was because of our karma coupled with the wrath of the gods against our family. I could not understand what we had done to deserve this and what could be done to change it, and my father would not allow me to speak of it.

We went through the usual visits to the temples of various gods on set days in the year. I remember walking, sometimes riding a tonga (horse-driven vehicle), a long way to reach a particular temple of Shiva, one of the three primary Hindu gods. The idol of Shiva was frightening to behold. He was shown sitting on top of the world, holding human skulls in his hands, with water running from his hair and his eyes staring at you with a dreadful message: Worship me or you will be destroyed. The idol, decked with flowers, was always smeared with oil and red color. The total effect was to create a feeling of foreboding and fear. You came away from the temple fearing what the future might hold and wishing, without any substantive hope, that all will be well and that he -- Shiva -- would be content with you. I was never comfortable in the temple. The picture of Shiva used to haunt me for days after the pilgrimage.

There was another god who was worshipped once a year in our home. This was Ganesha, the god with the head of an elephant and the body of a man. This god is supposed to be extremely benefic- ial. A son of Shiva, he is reverenced for averting dangers. We used to buy a new clay model of the god each year, and worship him on the appointed day, according to the family's traditions.

It was on one of Ganesha's celebrations that I became very disturbed about our gods and our obeisance to them. I distinctly recall the occasion. Sweets had been offered to Ganesha. We had been asked to close our eyes and pray for his blessings upon the home. I do not know why but I could not close my eyes. I was horrified to see a small mouse descend upon the offerings which had been placed before the god and Ganesha was unable to control this tiny creature. "If he cannot protect himself," I said to myself, "how can he protect this house?" I lost faith in that god on that day; and I believe that my journey to discover the true God began at that event.

Two events occurred in rapid succession soon after that experience. One, my father insisted on my receiving training in the Hindu scriptures, especially the Bhagavad Gita, the Vedas, and the others. Secondly, an ad in the local newspaper about a Bible correspondence course led me to begin a study of the Bible.

The Vedas and the other books were interesting, but they were decidedly speculative. There were no definite answers.

The Bible, on the other hand, pointed to definite answers. God loves people. God made His love known to people, of His own initiative, when He sent Jesus Christ to the world. A God pleading for me was a mind-boggling mystery.

While I was struggling to understand religions and religious ideas, my school work was moving, as it were, along regular channels. After receiving my masters degrees in mathematics and education, I was hired to teach in a Christian boarding school in Mussoorie, India. The school was run by Christian missionary societies to propagate Christian truths to the students who were not necessarily Christians. People attended this school because of its emphasis on academic excellence and because the medium of instruction was English. Proper language was taught, encouraged, and developed. The school needed a mathematics instructor, and the principal, an Australian missionary, was, as he later told me, led to offer me the position in spite of the fact that I was not a Christian. He (and I am grateful for his willingness to listen to the Lord) responded to the leading of the Lord not only in hiring me to teach in that school, but also in witnessing to me -- in words, in his separated living, and in his priorities.

One of the staff at the school mentioned the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ on the cross to me. "He died," he stated, "for man to be free from his bondage to sin and to enjoy victorious life forever." That sounded wonderfully peaceful and achievable, but I dismissed the witness, because, in my opinion, it was too simple. There has to be much more to life than just simple faith in Christ's death on the cross. I had been trained to believe, in the words of the Upanishads: "He truly knows Brahman who knows him as beyond knowledge; he who thinks that he knows, knows not."

I had been led to believe in searching for answers, and I had been taught that such a search could take many, many lives. Sages had attempted to discover the truth and the reality of Brahman for centuries, but without any success. I was under the conviction that real truth is found within oneself. God and man are essen- tially one. Separation comes from being born in this illusory world which catches man in its embrace and entices him away from finding the true meaning of life and existence. Deliverance is impossible unless one renounces the allurements of this world. I had been trained to believe that God is unknowable, and therefore, beyond the reach of man. And here was Jesus Christ, hanging on the cross, bleeding to death at the hands of Roman soldiers, declaring his forgiveness for their crass brutalities -- God searching for man and not man looking for God within himself.

There was another dimension to my dilemma. Coming from the family I did, my acceptance of Jesus Christ would make my parents lose their social respect and position in the whole community. My brothers and sister would suffer disgrace. That, too, was unthinkable. Even though I was working away from home in a different environment, I did not really feel free to make my own decisions. I tried to talk to some of the missionaries about my predicaments. They could not understand the heavy cultural factors. They felt that one should simply make a decision to follow Jesus Christ and that is all that really matters. Some missionaries were totally ignorant of Hindu traditions and the social implications which they impose on people. They dismissed my arguments as inconsequential. I was not ready to buy the argument that we live, and therefore die, only for ourselves, by ourselves.

The endless debate would have continued, I am sure, if I had not met Major Ian Thomas of the Torchbearers of England, who was holding meetings in a church in Mussoorie. He took the time to listen to my hesitations, my arguments, and my analysis. He, with great sensitivity and keen insight, explained the claims of Jesus Christ on my life. "Jesus Christ," he explained, "will enable you to solve your dilemmas after you accept Him. He will be on your side."

Major Thomas did not lead me to the final surrender but he prepared me for the final outcome. I knew, after spending almost five hours with him, what I had to do. There was no denying the fact that Christ had been calling me to accept Him as my personal Savior and to follow Him -- irrespective of the cost. The call was extremely personal and urgent. I mused about the possibilities for a few more days. However, I could not get rid of pressures which were continuing to increase. I could sense that a decision had to be made.

I turned to Jesus Christ on July 16, 1963 at 2:00 a.m. in my bedroom -- all by myself. He became my Savior. Praise His wonderful name!!

I had not counted on the cost which was to be paid for the decision, however. I expected rejection and humiliation from my friends and relatives. I even expected some mockery from some of them, but I was not ready for what came my way after my convers- ion: my own family disowned me. I was no longer a part of the biological family in which I had been born. My friends shunned me. They began to avoid me as if I had contracted some dreadful contagious disease.

With all the pains and burdens, with all the loneliness, and with all the struggles, I am nonetheless determined to follow the Lord. He is my answer, my salvation, my friend. As Major Thomas assured me, He has never failed me; He has always been there -- to help, to direct. I am not following an idea, a creed, or a philosophy; I am not searching for an inner revelation; I am not working for a final deliverance. No, I am following Jesus Christ, who is the final revelation, the total deliverance.

(Copyright 1994 by the Christian Research Institute)

About the Author:

Dr. Singhal is the chairman of Hinduism International Ministries, Post Office Box 602, Zion, IL 60099-0602

A special note of thanks to Bob and Pat Hunter for their help in the preparation of this ASCII file for BBS circulation.

Saturday, July 01, 2006


Signs, wonders and new churches in Northern India as of 1998, I am sure God would have helped them Multiply in the last 8 years. Glory to his name ! AMEN !

"Our main aim is to plant new churches, because we are convinced that it is the most effective method for completing the Great Commission in Matthew 28:10," says Dr. Alex Abraham, previously a neurosurgeon famous throughout Northern India who now heads 'Operation Agape'. "The movement has grown from 1,500 to 3,000 house churches in the past three years. The Reach Punjab 2000 movement set itself the aim of planting churches in each of Punjab's post code areas; in July 1998, 220 had no church, now only 33 remain."

Persecution & Attacks

"The stronger the persecution, the more doors open", he says "Many of God's servants in Northern India are repeatedly attacked, their literature is stolen, their buildings and vehicles damaged. And yet Jesus continues to add people to his Kingdom." In Kinnaur/Pradesh, a Hindu fanatic joined the church, and was even baptised, but is now trying to denounce the church. But the church in Kinnaur still continues to grow: in the last 5 years, 21 churches have been planted with a total of more than 2,000 members. Samuel John from Shadol District in Madhya Pradesh reports that armed Hindu guerrillas set out to Chirimeri to break up an event. They were unable to complete their journey because their Jeep stopped for no apparent reason. The driver later told of what had happened, and the whole group now wants to hear the gospel.

Mother healed & Witch Doctor Baptised

Om Prakash was an idol worshipper and witch doctor in Kotli Village, Haryana. He was familiar with the devil and even drove demons out of people with his magic tricks - for money. Six months ago, his mother became seriously ill, and was close to death. Om Prakash tried all of his magic arts and even took her to the hospital, but her condition worsened. One day, he spoke with a demon, asking him how his mother's life could be saved. "I cannot give her life," the demon replied. In anger, Om Prakash destroyed all his idols. At that moment, Pastor Joseph was able to pray for Om Prakash's mother, who was completely healed. In March 2000, an Operation Agape team celebrated the baptism of not only the mother, but also of Om Prakash himself, his wife and father. May The Lord Continue To Bless These Ministries ! AMEN !

Source: Dr. Alex Abraham, Operation Agape, INDIA



Still not convinced ??

Close your eyes and Pray and the Lord will speak to you ! Amen !


Jesus Appears To Two Girls Who Were Buried Alive in Egypt !!


A Muslim man in Egypt killed his wife and then buried her with their infant baby and 8-year old daughter. The girls were buried alive! He then reported to the police that an uncle killed the kids. 15 days later, another family member died. When they went to bury him, they found the 2 little girls under the sand ALIVE!

The country is outraged over the incident, and the man will be executed.

The older girl was asked how she had survived.

"A man wearing shiny white clothes, with bleeding wounds in his hands, came every day to feed us. He woke up my mom so she could nurse my sister," she said. She was interviewed on Egyptian national TV, by a veiled Muslim woman news anchor. She said on public TV, "This was none other than Jesus, because nobody else does things like this!" Muslims believe Isa (Jesus) would do this, but the wounds mean He really was crucified, and it's clear also that He is alive! But, it's also clear that the child could not make up a story like this, and there is no way these children could have survived without a true miracle. Muslim leaders are going to have a hard time to figure out what to do with this, and the popularity of the Passion movie doesn't help! With Egypt at the center of the media and education in the Middle East, you can be sure this story will spread. Christ is still turning the world upside down! Please let this story be shared here too. The Lord says,

"I will bless the person who puts his trust in me." (Jeremiah 17:7)


Back From the Dead

Athet Pyan Shinthaw Paulu

Paul, Who Came Back to Life

October 6, 2002

The Remarkable Testimony of a Buddhist monk in Myanmar (Burma) who came back to life a changed man!


The story that follows is simply a translation of a taped testimony from a man with a life-changing story. It is not an interview or a biography, but simply the words from the man himself. Different people react in different ways when they hear this story. Some are inspired, some skeptical, a few will mock and ridicule, while some others have even been filled with rage and anger, convinced these words are the ravings of a mad man or an elaborate deception. Some Christians have opposed the story simply because the radical and miraculous events described herein do not fit their feeble image of an Almighty God.

We were first made aware of this story from several Burmese church leaders who shared it with us. These leaders had looked into the story and had not found any suggestion of it being a hoax. It was with this in mind that we decided to step out and circulate the story. We do not do so for any monetary gain, or with a motivation of self-promotion. We just want to let the story speak for itself, and invite Christian believers to judge it according to Scripture. If God wants any part of it to be intended for His glory or to encourage His people, then we pray His Spirit will work in the hearts of the readers in those ways.

Some people have told us they think the monk in this story never actually died, but that he just lapsed into unconsciousness, and the things he saw and heard were part of a fever-driven hallucination. Whatever you think, the simple fact remains that the events of this story so radically transformed this man that his life took on a complete 180-degree shift after the events described below. He has fearlessly and boldly told his story at great personal cost, including imprisonment. He has been scorned by his relatives, friends and colleagues, and faced death threats for his unwillingness to compromise his message. What motivated this man to be willing to risk everything? Whether we believe him or not, his story is surely worth listening to and considering. In the cynical West many people demand hard evidence of such things, evidence that would stand up in a court of law. Can we absolutely guarantee, beyond doubt, that all of these things happened? No, we cannot. But we feel it is worth repeating this man's story in his own words so that readers can judge for themselves.

My Early Years

Hello! My name is Athet Pyan Shinthaw Paulu. I am from the country of
Myanmar. I would like to share with you my testimony of what happened to me, but first I would like to give some brief background information from my life growing up.

I was born in 1958 in the town of
Bogale, on the Irrawaddy Delta area of southern Myanmar [formerly Burma]. My parents, who were devout Buddhists like most people in Myanmar, named me Thitpin [which means 'tree' in English]. Our lives were very simple where I grew up. At the age of 13, I left school and started working on a fishing boat. We caught fish and sometimes shrimp from the numerous rivers and streams in the Irrawaddy area. At the age of 16, I became the leader of the boat. At this time I lived in Upper Mainmahlagyon Island [Mainmahlagyon means 'Beautiful Woman Island' in English], just north of Bogale where I was born. This place is about 100 miles southwest of Yangon [Rangoon], our nation's capitol city.

One day, when I was 17, we caught a large number of fish in our nets. Because of the many fish, a large crocodile was attracted to us. It followed our boat and tried to attack us. We were terrified, so we frantically rowed our boats toward the riverbank as fast as we could. The crocodile followed us and smashed our boat with its tail. Although no one died in this incident, the attack greatly affected my life. I no longer wanted to fish. Our small boat sank because of the crocodile attack. We had to go home to our village that night on a passenger boat.

Not long after, my father’s employers transferred him to
Yangon City [formerly spelt Rangoon]. At the age of 18, I was sent to a Buddhist monastery to be a novice monk. Most parents in Myanmar send their son into a Buddhist monastery, at least for a time, as it is considered a great honor to have a son serve in this way. We have been observing this custom for many hundreds of years.

A Zealous Disciple of Buddha

When I turned 19 years and 3 months old (in 1977), I became a normal monk. The senior monk at my monastery gave me a new Buddhist name, which is the custom in our country. I was now called U Nata Pannita Ashinthuriya. When we become a monk, we no longer use the name given to us at birth by our parents. The name of the monastery I lived at is called Mandalay Kyaikasan Kyaing. The senior monk's name was called U Zadila Kyar Ni Kan Sayadaw [U Zadila is his title]. He was the most famous Buddhist monk in all of
Myanmar at the time. Everyone knew who he was. He was widely honored by the people and respected as a great teacher. I say he "was" because in 1983 he suddenly died when he was involved in a fatal car accident. His death shocked everyone. At the time I had been a monk for six years.

I tried hard to be the best monk I could and to follow all the precepts of Buddhism. At one stage, I moved to a cemetery where I lived and meditated continually. Some monks who really want to know the truths of Buddha do things like I did. Some move deep into the forests where they live a life of self-denial and poverty. I sought to deny my selfish thoughts and desires, to escape from sickness and suffering and to break free from the cycle of this world. At the cemetery I was not afraid of ghosts. I tried to attain such inner peace and self-realization that even when a mosquito landed on my arm I would let it bite me instead of brushing it off!

For years I strived to be the best monk I could and not to harm any living being. I studied the holy Buddhist teachings just like all my forefathers had done before me. My life proceeded as a monk until I got very, very sick. I was in
Mandalay at the time and had to be taken to the hospital for treatment. The doctors did some tests on me and told me I had both Yellow Fever and malaria at the same time! After about one month in the hospital I was getting worse. The doctors told me there was no chance for me to recover and discharged me to make arrangements to die.

This is a brief description of my past. I would now like to tell you some of the remarkable things that happened to me after this time...

A Vision that Changed My Life Forever

After I was discharged from the hospital I went back to the monastery where other monks cared for me. I grew weaker and weaker and was lapsing into unconsciousness. I learned later that I actually died for three days. My body decayed and stunk of death, and my heart stopped beating. My body was prepared for cremation and was put through traditional Buddhist purification rites.

Although I faded away in my body I remember my mind and spirit were fully alert. I was in a very, very powerful storm. A tremendous wind flattened the whole landscape until there were no trees or anything else standing, just a flat plain. I walked very fast along this plain for some time. There were no other people anywhere, I was all alone. After some time I crossed a river. On the other side of the river I saw a terrible, terrible lake of fire. In Buddhism we do not have a concept of a place like this. At first I was confused and didn't know it was hell, until I saw Yama, the king of hell [Yama is the name ascribed to the King of Hell in numerous cultures throughout
Asia]. His face looked like the face of a lion, his body was like a lion, but his legs were like a naga [serpent spirit]. He had a number of horns on his head. His face was very fierce, and I was extremely afraid. Trembling, I asked him his name. He replied, "I am the king of hell, the Destroyer."

The king of hell told me to look into the lake of fire. I looked and I saw the saffron colored robes that Buddhist monks wear in
Myanmar. I looked closer and saw the shaven head of a man. When I looked at the man's face I saw it was U Zadila Kyar Ni Kan Sayadaw [the famous monk who had died in a car accident in 1983]. I asked the king of hell why my former leader was confined to this lake of torment. I said, "Why is he in this lake of fire? He was a very good teacher. He even had a teaching tape called 'Are You a Man or a Dog?' which had helped thousands of people understand that their worth as humans is far greater than the animals." The king of hell replied, "Yes, he was a good teacher but he did not believe in Jesus Christ. That's why he is in hell."

I was told to look at another person who was in the fire. I saw a man with very long hair wrapped on the left hand side of his head. He was also wearing a robe. I asked the king of hell, "Who is this man?" He replied, "This is the one you worship: Gautama [Buddha]." I was very disturbed to see Gautama in hell. I protested, "Gautama had good ethnics and good moral character, why is he suffering in this lake of fire?" The king of hell answered me, "It doesn't matter how good he was. He is in this place because he did not believe in the Eternal God."

I then saw another man who looked like he was wearing a soldier's uniform. He had a large wound on his chest. I asked, "Who is this man?" The king of hell said, "This is Aung San, the revolutionary leader of
Myanmar." I was told, "Aung San is here because he persecuted and killed Christians, but mostly because he didn't believe in Jesus Christ." In Myanmar the people have a common saying, "Soldiers never die, they live on." I was told that the legions of hell have a saying "Soldiers never die, but they go to hell forever."

I looked and saw another man in the lake of fire. He was a very tall man and he was dressed in military armor. He was also holding a sword and a shield. This man had a wound on his forehead. This man was taller than any person I have ever seen. He was six times the length between a man's elbow and the tips of his fingers when he stretches his arm out straight, plus one span of a man's fingers when he spreads out his hand. The king of hell said, "This man's name is Goliath. He is in hell because he blasphemed the Eternal God and His servant David." I was confused because I didn't know who either Goliath or David were. The king of hell said, "Goliath is recorded in the Christian Bible. You don't know him now, but when you become a Christian you will know who he is."

I was then taken to a place where I saw both rich and poor people preparing to eat their evening meals. I asked, "Who cooked the food for these people?" The king of hell replied, "The poor have to prepare their own food, but the rich people get others to cook for them." When the food had been prepared for the rich people, they sat down to eat. As soon as they started a thick smoke came up. The rich people ate as fast as they could to ease their consciences. They were struggling to breath because of the smoke. They had to eat fast because they were fearful of losing their money. Their money is their god.

Another king of hell then came to me. I also saw a being whose job is to stoke the fires beneath the lake of fire, to keep it hot. This being asked me, "Are you going into the lake of fire too?" I replied, "No! I am only here to observe!" The appearance of this creature stoking the fire was very terrifying. He had ten horns on his head and a spear in his hand that had seven sharp blades coming from the end. The creature told me, "You are right. You came here just to observe. I cannot find your name here." He said, "You must now go back the way you came." He pointed me toward the desolate plain that I had first walked along before I came to the lake of fire.

The Road of Decision

I walked a long time, until I was bleeding. I was hot and in great pain. Finally, after walking for about three hours I came to a wide road. I walked along this road for some time until I came to a fork. One road, going off to the left, was wide. A smaller road went off to the right hand side. There was a signpost at the fork saying that the road to the left was for those who do not believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. The smaller road to the right was for believers in Jesus.

I was interested to see where the larger road led so I started down it. There were two men walking about 300 yards ahead of me. I tried to catch up with them so I could walk with them but no matter how hard I tried I could not catch up to them, so I turned around and went back to the fork in the road. I continued to watch these two men as they walked down the road away from me. When they reached the end of the road they were suddenly stabbed. These two men cried out in great pain! I also cried out when I saw what happened to them! I realized the bigger road ended in great danger for those who traveled down it.

Looking into Heaven

I started walking down the believers' road instead. After traveling for about one hour the surface of the road turned to pure gold. It was so pure that when I looked down I could see my own reflection perfectly. I then saw a man standing in front of me. He was wearing a white robe. I also heard beautiful singing. Oh, it was so beautiful and pure! It was much better and more meaningful than the worship we have in churches here on the earth. The man in the white robe asked me to walk with him. I asked him, "What is your name?" but he did not answer. After I asked his name six times the man answered, "I am the one who holds the key to heaven. Heaven is a very, very beautiful place. You cannot go there now, but if you follow Jesus Christ you can go there after your life has finished on the earth." The man's name was Peter.

Peter then asked me to sit down and he showed me a place to the north. Peter said, "Look to the north and see God create man." I saw the Eternal God from a distance. God spoke to an angel, "Let us make man." The angel pleaded with God and said, "Please don't make man. He will do wrong and will grieve you." [In Burmese literally: "He will make you lose face."]. But God created a man anyway. God blew on the man and the man came to life. He gave him the name "Adam". [Note: Buddhists do not believe in the Creation of the world or of man, so this experience had a significant impact on the monk].

Sent Back with a New Name

Then Peter said, "Now get up and go back to where you came from. Speak to the people who worship Buddha and who worship idols. Tell them they must go to hell if they don't change. Those who build temples and idols will also have to go to hell. Those who give offerings to the monks to earn merit for themselves will go to hell. All those who pray to the monks and call them 'Pra' [respectful title for monks] will go to hell. Those who chant and 'give life' to idols will go to hell. All those who don't believe in Jesus Christ will go to hell." Peter told me to go back to the earth and testify about the things I had seen. He also said, "You must speak in your new name. From now on, you are to be called Athet Pyan Shinthaw Paulu ["Paul who Came Back to Life."].

I didn't want to go back. I wanted to go to heaven. Angels opened a book. First they looked for my childhood name (Thitpin) in the book, but they could not find it. They then looked for the name I had been given when he entered the Buddhist monk hood (U Nata Pannita Ashinthuriya), but it wasn't written in the book either. Then Peter said, "Your name is not written here, you must return and testify about Jesus to the Buddhist people."

I walked back along the gold road. Again I heard beautiful singing, the kind of which I have never heard before or since. Peter walked with me until the time I returned to the earth. He showed me a ladder that reached down from the heaven to the sky. The ladder didn't reach to the earth, but stopped in mid-air. On the ladder I saw many angels, some going up to heaven and some going down the ladder. They were very busy. I asked Peter, "Who are they?" Peter answered, "They are messengers of God. They are reporting to heaven the names of all those who believe in Jesus Christ and the names of those who don't believe." Peter then told me it was time to go back.

It is a Ghost!

The next thing I was aware of was the sound of weeping. I heard my own mother cry out, "My son, why did you leave us now?". I also heard many other people weeping. I realized I was lying in a box. I started to move. My mother and father started shouting, "He is alive! He is alive!" Other people who were farther away did not believe my parents. I then placed my hands on the sides of the box and sat upright. Many people were struck with terror. They cried out, "It is a ghost!" and ran away as fast as their legs could carry them.

Those who remained were speechless and trembling. I noticed I was sitting in smelly liquid and body fluids, enough to fill about three and a half cups. This was liquid that had come out of my stomach and my insides while my body was lying in the coffin. This is why people knew I had indeed been dead. Inside the coffin there was a type of plastic sheet fixed to the wood. This sheet is placed there to retain a corpse's liquids, because many dead bodies release much fluid like mine did.

I learned later that I was just moments away from being cremated in the flames. In Myanmar people are placed in a coffin, the lid is then nailed shut, and the whole coffin is burned. When I came back to life, my mother and father were being allowed to look at my body for the very last time. Moments later, the lid of my coffin would have been nailed shut and I would have been cremated!

I immediately started to explain the things I had seen and heard. People were astonished. I told them about the men I had seen in the lake of fire, and told them that only the Christians know the truth, that our forefathers and us have been deceived for thousands of years! I told them everything we believe is a lie. The people were astonished because they knew what kind of a monk I had been and how zealous I had been for the teachings of Buddha.

In Myanmar when a person dies, their name and age is written on the side of the coffin. When a monk dies, the monk's name, age and the number of years he has served as a monk are written on the side of the coffin. I had already been recorded as dead but as you can see, now I am alive!


Since 'Paul who came back to life' experienced the above story, he has remained a faithful witness to the Lord Jesus Christ. Burmese pastors have told us that he had led hundreds of other monks to faith in Christ. His testimony is obviously very uncompromising. Because of that, his message has offended many people who cannot accept there is only one Way to Heaven, which is through the Lord Jesus Christ. Despite great opposition, his experiences were so real to him that he has not wavered. After many years in the Buddhist monk hood, as a strict follower of Buddhist teachings, he immediately proclaimed the Gospel of Christ following his resurrection and exhorted other monks to forsake all false gods and follow Jesus Christ with all their hearts. Before the time of his sickness and death, he had no exposure to Christianity at all. Everything he learned during those three days in the grave was new to his mind.

In a bid to get his message out to as many people as possible, this modern-day Lazarus began distributing audio and video cassette tapes with his story on them. The police and Buddhist authorities in Myanmar have done their utmost to gather these tapes up and destroy them. The testimony you have just read has been translated from one of those cassette tapes. We are told it is now quite dangerous for citizens of Myanmar to be in possession of these tapes.

His fearless testimony has landed him in prison at least once, where the authorities failed in their bid to silence him. Upon his release, he continued to testify of the things he saw and heard. His current whereabouts are uncertain. One Burmese informant told us he is prison and may have been killed, while another informant was told he is now released from prison and is continuing his ministry.