Testimony Of Bro. Vijay Anands !

I am from Madras, a fairly large city in southern India. My parents are Hindus by practice and faith. I came to Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio to pursue my M.S. degree the spring of 92.
I was acquainted with Christianity through my fiancée Ammu, a Christian, in India, but as a Hindu, I could accept Christ as one of the many gods. After coming to Cleveland and being away from my family, I missed the ‘religious experience' of going to a temple and worshipping idols. So, that summer, I started attending various churches in the area where I lived in Cleveland.
The Lord brought me to Cedar Hill Baptist church where I noticed a genuine friendship and hospitality and love that I had not felt in any church or religious place that I had attended before in my life. I started attending Cedar Hill regularly, and I was introduced to Dave Ferguson a Campus Bible Fellowship staff worker. We developed a friendship, and I shared with him that I wanted to learn more about Christianity because of my fiancée. He encouraged me to attend CBF meetings on campus every Friday and I slowly learned many concepts from the Bible. My idea until that point was that to become a Christian, one had to read the Bible, write some exam, and once you pass the exam, they give you a certificate and you become a Christian. All of that changed with my Bible studies at CBF and the worship services at church. I gained a lot of knowledge about the Bible, saw genuine love among the students at CBF, and developed great friendships.
One morning in the fall of 1992, I was walking home from classes and listened to a Christian radio program on my Walkman. The message caused me to realize for the first time that I had committed acts of sin every day. I went to my apartment very distressed because of my sinfulness. I called Dave, asked him to pray for me, and we met the next day and discussed the new realization that I was a sinner. Dave showed me from the Bible that "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of the Lord" and "while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." That night I was not ready to accept Jesus as my Savior, and he did not push me. I went home and spent the next week thinking about all that I had learned in the past few months from the Bible. I came to believe that the Bible is truly God's revelation to mankind, and the words of the Bible challenged my intellect and stirred my soul. That weekend by a series of events I came to realize that relationships on earth are only temporal, and the Bible promises an eternal relationship with Jesus Christ. On September 20, 1992, which happened to be a Sunday, I came to realize that I was a sinner whose actions deserve death and that Jesus Christ died on the cross for my sins. I had been reading the Bible almost all night. At noon I walked over to church and met with some friends. It was there that I confessed my sins and asked Jesus to be my Savior.
Testimony Courtesy: www.campusbiblefellowship.org
©1999-2006 by Campus Bible Fellowship the college student ministry of Baptist Mid-Missions.
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Vamanan I see you are a pretty Tormented soul and I feel sorry for you brother! Its the most happiest thing to have Jesus as my personal savior. I take such immense pride in worshipping my Lord Jesus. He gave his life to wash away mankind's sins. I would urge you to Repent and seek the real living God ! A God so Mighty and Great that ruled over death and stood so high as the Victor ! Anyone who rejects Jesus unfortunately will never enter heaven and its every individual's prime responsibility to save ones soul...The flesh is mortal....the soul is immortal...You have a fair chance to reach your soul to eternal peace in Heaven (that's only by accepting Jesus Christ) or you can have your soul burn for eternity in Hellfire ! CHOICE IS YOUR'S !! YOU STILL HAVE A CHANCE...MAKE SURE YOU MAKE THAT CHOICE BEFORE ITS TOO LATE.....OR AM SORRY YOUR "SORRY REAR-END" WILL GET BARBECUED IN HELL ! SHOW SOME RESPECT TO THE MASTER....DON'T BE SUCH A CALLOUS BRUTE ! AM SURE U CAN DO BETTER THAN THAT ! Get a life !
You can say crap about Krishna here and you feel sad when someone says crap about Jesus.
FYI. There is nothing called heaven or hell. Stop scaring people with imaginary things. They are all cartoon movie ideas.
Jesus did not give his life to wash mankind's sins. He was simply murdered by Romans. Later all this mankind sin crap was added and to fool people like you.
Hi Mr. BlueBbyrd,
I am very disappointed to read your column on krishna and jesus. U have said the flesh is mortal and the soul is immortal, what's new inn this? This was told by lord krishna centuries before christianity came to being. In one of his gratest sayings lord has said whenever cruelty and atrocism on mankind will be on its peak I will come to save the believers in me only the form may not be the same. Hinduism does not need any sales representative like christianity or other religions. Jesus asked his fellowmen just one thing i.e. to spread love among all which to the disappointment of the whole mankind has been sold like a product. I do agree with one of the readers that christians criticise hindus for their riuals and beliefs,this portrays their narrow minded approach to life which itself takes them away from jesus. U have said those who do not believe in christ will burn in hell it means about 60% of the world population will burn. Come on be smart and think of some innovative idea to sell jesus(the product,ur statement makes me feel like that). Everyone who has a little bit idea of chritianity as it is today knows that there is an account kept at the vatican regarding the number of christians in the world and there are numerous donations and rewards to those who spread christianity among non christians and ignorant ones like u fall for a few bucks. I do believe in christ through krishna and jesus has never objected to my idea of belief. Set ur soul free and don't become a slave of ur belief. whatever is mentioned in the bible and the quran is nothiing different or extra than what was told by the lord himself in the bhagavad gita.(just go through it if u get time after selling ur brand and analyze). I am not criticising u but the way u tried to compare krishna to jesus i thought it will bring some good aspects instead u have made this into a unhealthy competition between two great souls whose idea was to spread love and peace among humans. There are many doubts regarding the evolution of other religiions but sadly there is no room for debate in them.Hinduism is not a religion, its a way of life followed in India from thousands of years. U as an indian should learn to love and respect ur country and its traditions which has accepted u the way u are. U have said all this about krishna and hinduism and are still alive shows the broad mindedness of India and its majority. Had u been in arab country ur head would have been hanging on the main square of the city with no scope for any human rights agitation. Lastly its a well known fact that there are no true christians in India.
So my friend try to live like the citizen of a secular country that u r born and have respect for all religions whether u follow them or not.
Any way jesus has not appointed u as his as his senior sales executive then why are u wasting ur time and energy
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